General Description of Military Battle - Operation Extended Capital.

1.         Operation Capital was an important military battle of world war-II. With the defeat of Japanese forces in Imphal, the British quest for re-conquest of Burma was pronounced. Accordingly ‘OPERATION CAPITAL’ was made to catch the Japanese on Shwebo plain, a dry and flat plain between the loops of Chindwin and Irrawaddy. Assessing the threat coming on to him, Gen Kimura promptly realized the consequence of fighting the 14th Army at Shwebo plain keeping the river at the back. Kimura, therefore, ordered his 15th Army to withdraw behind Irrawaddy with 31 Japanese Div to cover the withdrawal by establishing itself South West of Mandalay, on the both side of the river.

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2.         Japanese regrouping forced Slim to change his plan and he adopted a revised plan to cross the Irrawaddy and fighting the decisive military battle around Mandalay Meiktila called ‘OPERATION EXTENDED CAPITAL’. The salient features of the plan were:

a.         Cross Irrawaddy in considerable strength throughout its length. 

b.         Fight the major military battle in the plains around Mandalay and in the low hills of Meiktila. 

c.         Crossing the river at more than one place and deceiving the enemy about the real plan. Deceive the enemy so that he is forced to employ his reserve prematurely and thus off balance him by attacking Meiktila.

3.         This was undertaken since 14th Army did not have enough equipment to make strongly opposed cross and to avoid frontal assault against enemy in strength. However, the plan was further illustrated by two other plans such as, ‘HAMMER-ANVIL PLAN’ and a ‘DECEPTION PLAN’.

4.         Hammer-Anvil Plan.           The salient features of the plan were as follows:

a.         33 corps with 19 Indian Division of 4 corps transferred to it, was to cross Irrawaddy in the north and west of Mandalay, thus drawing towards itself the greatest possible concentration of Japanese Division.

b.         Arrange all possible combat indication that Mandalay was the sole objective of 14th Army.

c.         4 Corps was to move secretly from north to south flank through Gangaw valley and cross Irrawaddy at Nyaungu. Thereafter it was to strike violently at Meiktila-Thazi with armour and airborne force.

d.         The intention of this plan was to set the stage for a major battle to crush the Japanese by hammer let loose by 33 corps from north against the anvil established by 4 corps at Meiktila.

5.         Deception Plan.      An elaborate ‘Deception’ was worked out to conceal the move of 4 corps from north to south. The main features of the plan were:

a.         A dummy 4 corps HQ was established at Tamu, using the same wireless channel, whilst the real one moved in complete wireless silence.

b.         19 division was transferred from 4 corps to 33 corps and all signals from 33 corps to 19 division were passed through the dummy 4 corps HQ.

c.         Transfer of 28 African brigade to 4 corps and their leading the advance was to make Japanese believe that 33 corps was advancing towards south.

d.         Movement of Lushai brigade through Gangaw valley was to make Japanese feel that it was only a diversionary force to distract their attention from north.

e.         Indiscreet conversation in clear between the SO and wireless operator was arranged.

f.          Inaccurate statements were made over radio and newspaper and many ingenious devices were employed to mislead the Japanese.

g.         Volume of traffic was made to conform to having both the corps concentrated at Shwebo plain.

h.         Two feint crossing were launched to confuse Japanese forces.

j.          Sherman tanks of 255 tank brigade were camouflaged to depict Lee tanks of 254 brigade to make the Japanese feel the presence of 33 corps in the south.

6.         Conclusion.     OPERATION CAPITAL” was marked as one of the most important plan. Field Marshal Slim in his book ‘Defeat into Victory’ has turned it as the vital thrust. The ‘Hammer-Anvil’ plan along with ‘Deception Plan’ finally sealed the fate of the Japanese in Burma. Capture of Meiktila by the Allies facilitated their early capture of Rangoon. This military battle is an excellent example of Japanese mobilization of troops, irrespective of their trade/service and physical fitness. It was a classic example regrouping the leftover elements of various formations/units and putting them into battle footing for a single mission.

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