1.         General.        The immediate causes of WWII were the disrespectful action of the Allies at the Treaty of Versailles. This enabled Hitler to marshal the whole of Germany behind him.

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2.         Treaty of Versailles. 14 points peace pact proposed by President Wilson and agreed by Germany, left Germany in helpless situation.  In fact they had no opt but to sign the treaty. Even these conditions were not fulfilled in totality.  These actions of Allies had sown the seed of hatred in the minds of German.

3.         Handing Over and Occupation of German Land.      A large slice of West Prussia was handed over to Poland.  On the other hand, France in 1923 occupied Ruhr, part of German. In order to give Poland a sea port, Danzing was taken away from Germany and declared a Free City.

4.         Separation of Rhine Land.           France intensified the propaganda for the separation of Rhine land which is a very part of German. Rhine land was more German in Germany than anything else for German. The Rhineland was demilitarized so that French borders were secure.

5.         Conversion of Bavaria into an Independent Catholic Monarchy. France had an agenda to convert Bavaria into an independent Catholic Monarchy, which angered the Germans. 

6.         End State.     Hitler had enough reasons to rally Germans against those who compelled the unjust treaty on them. Thus the thunder of gun was heard again in 01 Sep 1939 and burial of second Versailles treaty took place.

Aim of the Belligerents

7.         Allied.

a.         Britain.           Britain’s strategy was to maintain power balance by keeping the greater continental nations divided.

b.         France.          France wanted to keep her eastern frontier secured by dividing Germany.

c.         USA.              USA did not want to join the battle until Japanese invasion in pearl harbor.

8.         Axis.              

a.         Germany.

(1)       To unite German speaking people (using National Self Determination policy of the Treaty of Versailles)

(2)       Hitler wanted to dominate Europe and the World.

            b.      Italy.   Italy’s intention to join Axis was to obtain support for annex of Ethiopia and consolidate her territorial gain in North Africa.

            c.      Japan.           Japan’s intention to join Axis was to obtain external support in her invasion to China and consolidate her territorial gain in South East Asia.

9.         Russia.          Russia was more interested in the destruction of British Empire. Therefore, Stalin went into alliance with Hitler. Stalin’s assessment was that, Britain will get involved in war with Germany on Poland Issue, thus the western world will destroy themselves.  But after invasion of Russia by Germany, Russia joined the battle. A blunder Germany should never rectify.

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